Grant received

DST SRG grant from Government of India (SRG/2023/002065)  

on-chip assessment of drinking water for determination of plastic contamination

  • Monitoring drinking water quality: Microfluidic chips could be used to monitor drinking water quality for plastic contamination at treatment plants, distribution systems, and taps. This would help to ensure that drinking water meets safety standards and that consumers are not exposed to harmful plastics.
  • Detecting plastic contamination in the environment: Microfluidic chips could be used to detect plastic contamination in environmental samples, such as river water, seawater, and soil. This would help to track the sources of plastic pollution and to assess the environmental impact of plastics.
  • Developing new water treatment technologies: Microfluidic chips could be used to develop new water treatment technologies that are more effective at removing plastic particles from water. This is important because current treatment methods are not very effective at removing microplastics from water.
  • Overall, on-chip assessment of drinking water for determination of plastic contamination is a promising new technology with the potential to improve the safety and quality of our drinking water.